We all need to have an encounter with Jesus, an encounter where God will transform our life: Through an encounter you will be able to experience: Salvation assurance, inner healing, freedom, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and encounter gives us vision. We invite you to discover how to be able to have that encounter with Jesus!
Up Next in English
Martin Smith Interview - Pastor Juli...
We can teach our families how to love God through our example and direction by giving place to each other. Our responsibility is to connect each member of our family to the Lord and His service."
A pilgrim's heart - Pastor Laudjair G...
A pilgrim is someone who travels long distances to a holy place. Do you want to know if you are taking the right steps to find that place God has prepared for you? We encourage you to never stray from your purpose and make the best decisions in your life.
Family freedom - Pastors Laudjair and...
These days we see people and families in slavery. What can we do to live that freedom? How can we apply these 10 principles on a daily basis to see victory? Remember; God has already given us the victory over our family, it's just a matter of taking it.