There is no need to be worried, God will take care of you and your children, your barns will be full and you will lack nothing! Despite the years the Lord will renew your strength for the conquer, but do not forget the promises of the Lord.
Up Next in English
Take the first step, get determined t...
Learn through the life of Joshua to have a servant's heart. Serving will form humility in you. In the church God's vision is realized through service, it is in service that the church is cared and shepherded. Remember, the service brings growth.
Workshop: Raising a faithful priestho...
Prayer is the secret to keep the family together. The Lord longs for you to serve Him but also to raise up a priestly family, an offspring for Him. The priest is called to serve his family and be an example. If you long to become that priest, start walking with God's anointed every day of your li...
The power of faithfulness - Pastor La...
God's blessing is with those who are faithful. If you don't decide to solve your unfaithfulness, you won't be able to be close to God.
The faithful is a storehouse of all blessings, be prepared to overabound.
Through this message, know the blessings of faithfulness.