Venga Tu Reino 2018

Venga Tu Reino 2018

4 Seasons

“Venga tu reino” fue la oración que el mismo Jesús oró al Padre y que nos dejó como modelo a seguir. Al pedir Su reino en nuestras vidas, estamos declarando que se haga Su voluntad y no la nuestra, que milagros comiencen a suceder a nuestro alrededor, que cadenas se rompen y que cielos sean abiertos para la conquista por medio de la Sangre de Jesús

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Venga Tu Reino 2018
  • Prayer for pastors - Pastor Cesar Castellanos

    Episode 1

    Relive this moment with G12 leaders from around the world. Listen to their testimonies about how the vision has changed their lives and their families.

  • Back to the start - Pastor Cesar Castellanos

    Episode 2

    God reveals Himself to our lives and gives us a vision as we are the extension of His character here on earth. It is important we are healed inside and out, and free from generational curses. For His power to be at work in us, we first need to identify those areas of our lives that need to be hea...

  • The reason you need to understand - Pastor Oriel Ballano

    Episode 3

    Stop chasing after money and ask God for an idea. When we have an idea, we stop being poor. We are no longer dominated by our desire for money; instead finances follow us. The place to receive that idea is in God as we seek first His kingdom above all other things for love.

  • A before and after - Pastor Janeth Barrios

    Episode 4

    Pray and intercede for your family, ask God for a word for them, involve them in a cell group, encourage them to serve, and allow God to be the One working on the character of each one. Break curses in the spiritual realm. The time has come! Rise up to win your generations so that you can say: As...

  • A prophet in the home - Pastor Laudjair Guerra

    Episode 5

    The G12 Vision is a vision for families. No one knows the needs of your family better than you do, but the problem is that you have stayed quiet or you have spoken unhelpful words. Remember, the power of life and death is in the tongue! You are the person who loves your family the most so you sho...

  • The door - Pastor Olga Morales

    Episode 6

    There are many wrong doors through which many have entered. Many have felt they are in the wrong place, unwanted, uninvited, but this will only change when we understand that God has opened a door - the door of salvation, and that we are the key to bringing many people to that right door: Jesus! ...

  • The quest - Pastor Lorena Castellanos

    Episode 7

    Our priority should always be to seek God through the gospel. Let's not be tricked into trying to please the world. Let's be radical in our faith.

  • How to implement the Vision - Pastor Cesar Castellanos

    Episode 8

    We have been called to reproduce ourselves in 12 disciples, and equip them to reproduce the vision in others, just as they received it. This requires an investment of our time. Do you have your 12 already?

  • Woe is me! - Pastor Esteban Chaves

    Episode 9

    An encounter with God changes everything. First, we need to be sanctified in the presence of God and then we will be ready to be sent to do His will. Enjoy this message!

  • The heavenly man - Brother Yun

    Episode 10

    When you hear this testimony, you will discover how to make sure tests and afflictions do not extinguish your faith. It is time to receive God's compassion for others and to pour out our lives for Jesus.

  • God will make you laugh - Pastor Orlando Castañeda

    Episode 11

    As Christians, we go through times of testing and brokenness, but our faithfulness and integrity during these processes causes God to act in our favor. The blessing God will bring to your life will make you laugh and will even cause those around you to rejoice. It's time to enjoy the blessing!

  • I will do what no one else did - Pastor Perla Doris Mora

    Episode 12

    Jesus sees what you do when no one else sees you, he knows your strengths and weaknesses and sees when you are resigned in an area of your life but only a word from God will be enough to change your luck.

  • We are fishermen of men - Brother Yun

    Episode 13

    Sometimes we get tired and faint in our vision and it is on those moments we need the word of God to take action. Jesus has words of power, so his tell us do not clean the nets, it's time to throw out the nets! Jesus speaks and sends his fish and we know that every one has a calling,gifs and ta...

  • Establishing the kingdom of God - Pastor Manuela Castellanos

    Episode 14

    The Lord longs for us to experience a revival and for the seed we sow to multiply, but we need to be ready to protect our fruit God from the enemy.

  • This is your ministry - Pastor Marco Barrientos

    Episode 15

    You have been called and sent by God to break chains, to bring good news and to heal the brokenhearted, but a good message isn't enough - add an apostolic and prophetic edge to bring true freedom to the captives.

  • Marks of a violent disciple - Pastor Gloria Salamanca

    Episode 16

    The enemy snatched the Crown of the Kingdom in the Garden of Eden, but Jesus, through His sacrifice on the cross, has given us the authority to take back everything the enemy has stolen.

  • It is possible to reach your dreams - Pastor Emma Claudia Castellanos

    Episode 17

    Learn how to receive God's dream for your life.

  • Secrets of the temple - Pastor Julián Gamba

    Episode 18

    We need to be radical and take on challenges as Joshua did so that we can serve the Lord with all our heart, but it is important that the people around us are also in that same spirit so that we can conquer.

  • Following His steps - Pastor Johanna Castellanos

    Episode 19

    In the vision, it is so important that we make time to go to people's homes and open cell groups. When we go, we should bring restoration, show compassion, and be an example of how we can practically follow Jesus. There are many who are waiting for us to come and bring them a word. Jesus always h...

  • It is possible to change history - Pastor Emma Claudia Castellanos

    Episode 20

    A night of prayer at the cross can change your story, that of your family and that of your nation. Remember that you were called to govern!